Reddam House has two campuses set in the tranquil and leafy surrounds of Sydney’s Eastern suburbs. One in Bondi and the other housed in Woollahra.
Postal address:
Reddam House Locked Bag 3322,
Bondi Junction, NSW 1355
Email enquiries:
Administration | Enrolment Officer
ABN: 90 094 852 801
Cricos Provider Code No. 02204E
70 Edgecliff Road, Woollahra, NSW 2025
Ph: (02) 9369 4096
Fax: (02) 9369 4094

ABN: 90 094 852 801
Cricos Provider Code No. 02204E
56 Mitchell Street, Bondi, NSW 2026
Tel: (02) 9300 8200
Fax: (02) 8205 1666
